A Child Needs A Dentist At An Early Age

bullet imagebullet imageThe excitement of a child's first tooth is always memorable. Being able to enjoy the pearly white smile the offers deserves quality dental care at an early age. When a child reaches around a year old, it is highly recommended they visit a pediatric dentist. This type of dentist only sees children. The office is usually colorful and non-threatening to a child. The dentist will talk to the child on a level they will understand. For children around a year old, the development of their teeth need as well as their oral health need to be checked.

Baby teeth are the most important teeth that any individual will have. These teeth help to guide the adult teeth into place. Teeth that are crowded or have problems need to be addressed early for the incoming adult teeth. When a child visits a NC Pediatric Dentistry practice, the dentist will determine if the baby teeth are coming in correctly. They will also help to instruct the child on proper cleaning and Salisbury NC dentist flossing of their teeth. As the teeth enter the mouth, they may suggest various options for teeth that need some assistance. Proper development of the teeth and jawbone are important to maintain the facial features in every individual.

Sealants are another option that a Salisbury Pediatric Dentistry practice can offer to parents for their children. These sealants are placed on adult teeth that are entering the mouth in order to keep decay from destroying the teeth. They are aware that not every child has the perfect brushing and flossing habits even with encouragement from loving parents. A relaxing office is a wonderful way to keep children at ease and encouraged to return to the dentist. All of the staff is specially trained for children and the waiting room will have video games and fun things for the children to do while they're waiting.

For children in early elementary school, as the baby teeth begin to be replaced with adult teeth, the mouth will become crowded. Spacers can be placed between the teeth to prohibit the teeth from being crowded. In addition, it can eliminate the need for braces in the future. A parent can enjoy a beautiful smile from their children for years to come just like they did when they were a small baby. Proper dental cleanings and treatment with a wonderful and friendly staff will take the battle of going to the dentist away for each visit.